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Top 24 real estate news stories of 2024 according to Inman readers
With all the commission lawsuits, settlements and rule changes, there was no shortage of news this year. Here is the top-read news of 2024.
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis - The North Star Monthly
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis The North Star Monthly
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis - Longview News-Journal
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis Longview News-Journal
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis - Therogersvillereview
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis Therogersvillereview
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis - Idaho County Free Press
Where Are U.S. Property Taxes Highest and Lowest? A State, County, and City Analysis Idaho County Free Press
Beloved U.S. 280 restaurant Lloyd's sells property - The Business Journals
Beloved U.S. 280 restaurant Lloyd's sells property The Business Journals
EXp World Holdings sells Virbela, the firm that made its virtual world
The sale, to Virbela's cofounders Alex Howland and Erik Hill, closed at the end of November. It comes at a time when virtual worlds and the metaverse have waned as a topic of excitement.